Jonas Lund Token (JLT)

  • Proposals
  • Studio
  • Futures

  • Mercredi 12 février à 18h30 / Wednesday, February 12th at 6.30 pm

    Emanuele Braga & Maddalena Fragnito (MACAO) (IT), Simon Denny (NZ), Elisa Giardina-Papa (IT), Sam Lavigne (US), Silvio Lorusso (IT), Jonas Lund (SE), Michael Mandiberg (US), Eva & Franco Mattes (IT), Lauren McCarthy (US), Julien Preìvieux (FR), RYBN.ORG (FR), Sebastian Schmieg (DE), Telekommunisten (CA/DE)

    Curatrice : Aude Launay

    The exhibition focuses on algorithmic Taylorism, which is the division of labour pushed to the extreme among those called "clickworkers", and which perhaps foreshadows the end of paid employment as the dominant work organisation.

    The exhibition is divided into four parts, through which the artists attempt to answer these questions: Do we work without even realizing it? Are we managed by algorithms? Do we serve as artificial intelligence? Can we envisage a society not based on work?

    The opening will follow with a culinary performance by Mélanie Boissié, artist in residency at La Kunsthalle and at association EPICES in 2020.