Dear Board
I’m participating in a show at Kindl in Berlin called “Behind the Screen”, opening on the 9th of March. Among the participating artists we have two JLT board members: Constant Dullaart and !Mediengruppe Bitnik. The show is curated by JLT board member Anne Schwanz.
For the show I’m producing a couple of new JLT pieces, more on this in another proposal, but the more pressing issue is a free standing wall of 6x3 meter, front and back. The suggestion and proposal from Anne (curator) is to print 2 banners in the size of 6x3 meters, similar to the JLT booth at Art Düsseldorf. It will be didactic and announce that JLTs are available for sale. I think maybe? I think maybe do something more abstract/poetic?
Option 1Didactic JLT Banners. Something like this
Option 2Each of you, JLT board members, get to add whatever you like to the wall, to give you all a voice. The more tokens you hold, the bigger the addition.
Option 3One JLT banner on the front wall and the back wall some JLT board member sourced content.
Option 4None of the above. Leave your suggestions/ideas in the comment box.
Time is of the essence as the print deadline for the banners is on Friday, so I need a decision by Monday morning.
2019-02-21 10:07:49
Banners it is! See Proposal #13 for the decision in regards to what the banners should look like.